On Saturday morning, a tragic incident occurred on the Volta Lake when a boat carrying mourners from Azizakpe to Azizakpe capsized. Regrettably, five individuals lost their lives immediately, while rescue operations are ongoing to locate any other survivors .
An eyewitness reported that around 100 individuals, including women and children, were aboard a 40-seater passenger boat crossing Azizakpe, an island community when the accident occurred. Sadly, the five individuals who lost their lives were identified as two women and three children under the age of three. It’s worth noting that none of the passengers had life jackets on at the time of the incident.
In a similar event that occurred in January, eight schoolchildren lost their lives on the Volta Lake when the boat they were traveling in capsized. The tragedy happened on Tuesday, January 24, 2023, as the boat was transporting the children from Atikagome to Wayokope, where their school is situated. Officials from the National Disaster Management Organisation (NADMO) confirmed the incident
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