In a heartening and unexpected turn of events, a man, often labeled as ‘mentally challenged,’ astounded onlookers by flawlessly singing Charles Kwadwo Fosu, popularly known as Daddy Lumba’s, hit song “Makra Mo” word-for-word.
This remarkable incident unfolded at a funeral, taking attendees by surprise and leaving them in awe of the man’s extraordinary musical memory. The video, shared by @eddie_wrt, portrays the man joyfully miming to the tune as “Makra Mo” resonates from the loudspeakers at the funeral grounds.
Witnessing the man’s musical prowess, captivated onlookers decided to elevate his impromptu performance. They handed him a microphone, allowing him to step into the spotlight and deliver the song with even more fervor. As the man showcased his impressive abilities, astonished spectators expressed their appreciation by offering him money during the performance. This unexpected and uplifting moment challenged preconceptions and showcased the power of music to transcend perceived limitations.
This me and him right there
— YAW SANOGO (@YawSanogo) November 25, 2023
A madman stole the show at a funeral yesterday as he sings Daddy Lumba's hit song word for word.
— EDHUB🌍ℹ (@eddie_wrt) November 26, 2023
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