Drama unfolded at the Manhyia Palace on October 25, 2023, when Asantehene Otumfuo Osei Tutu II presided over a chieftaincy dispute in the Anyeneyere suburb of Atwima. One of the involved parties, a woman, asserted her status as the queen mother of Anyenyere, claiming that her late husband had bequeathed her the stool and the lands in question.
During her address at the palace, she accused the other party, Ofori, a descendant of the Otumfuo, of taking the lands she had given him for his own use. These statements did not sit well with Otumfuo and his sub-chiefs, leading them to question her authenticity.
In response, Otumfuo expressed his displeasure and accused the queen mother of fabricating lies, denying her claims to the land. He sternly rebuked her, saying, “Stop acting deceptively; you hold no royal title. What falsehoods are these?”
Frustrated by her attempts to explain, Otumfuo ordered her removal from his presence, and her slippers were taken off, symbolizing her dismissal from the proceedings.
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